FuckYeah FY500 - What makes it so special?
There have been a number of questions about the FuckYeah FY500, what makes it so special, and why it costs quite a bit more than most other fucking machines on the market. We wanted to break down some of the reasons for this and explain the design choices, and hopefully help you decide if it's an investment you'd like to make.
If you want to get all geeky in the engineering design choices, please do skip ahead to the deep dive sections. But if all you need for now is a quick overview, let's get that out of the way first:
Quick Summary
The FY500 is a super heavy duty machine. It's vastly more powerful than most fucking machines. This allows it to handle the biggest toys and provides the relentless pushing force needed to properly use them. It has a huge max stroke length, and it's solidly built, from heavyweight materials meaning it doesn't get pushed around as much in use like other lightweight machines can.
It's not only about brute force though - it's also super smart.
The FY500 uses a digitally controlled linear actuator based-design, rather than a rotary crank and shaft mechanism as most other fucking machines use. This brings a whole host of advantages, not least the ability to adjust the stroke length and movement pattern on the fly while in use. Because it knows its position at all times, it can control it's movement very precisely.
The FuckYeah app allows you to get creative and make use of this capability. Only digitally controlled fucking machines can vary the way they move. The app allows you to easily design your own library of movement patterns with an easy-to-use interface, then you can sync these to your machine over WiFi. You can even share and download patterns from others in the community.
And more to come! We're just getting started with some of the possibilities. We'll be providing more cool new functionality, improving the remote control ability, introducing accessories that make use of the AUX ports, and more. The future is going to be a lot of fun!
Deep Dive
Ok, so you want more geeky details to compare the FuckYeah F500 to other machines on the market?
We've broken this article down into sections, to hopefully help make this quite lengthy article easier to follow.
If you're ready to get greased up to the elbows in fuck machine engineering, let's go!
Mechanical differences
Firstly, lets classify the types of machines we're talking about here for the purposes of this article.
All fucking machines need some method of creating linear motion, usually from rotation of an electric motor. The FY500 uses a Rack and Pinion to do this. With a few exceptions, nearly all other fucking machines on the market use a rotary crank and shaft method, so that's what we'll be focusing on mainly for the purposes of comparison.
Crank & Shaft
Let's look at the crank and shaft. The vast majority of machines on the market work this way. A motor is connected to a crank, which as it turns in one direction drives a shaft backwards and forwards:
Things to note about this mechanism:
- The stroke length cannot be adjusted without changing the crank's length.
- The stroke pattern is fixed to a basic "in and out".
- The pushing force of the shaft is reduced as the stroke length is increased, given the motor torque is fixed.
- The pushing force varies during the stroke. It has higher force at each end, lower force in the middle.
- The strokes per minute are fixed at 2x the motor rotations per minute.
Rack & Pinion
Now let's look at the FY500: it uses a Rack and Pinion. A motor turns a gear, which meshes with teeth on the shaft. The motor has changes direction in order to change the direction of the stroke.
Things to note about this mechanism:
- The stroke length is determined by the number of rotations of the motor and the fixed gear ratio.
- The pushing force of the shaft is even throughout the stroke.
- The strokes per minute are determined by how many times the motor changes direction in a minute.
- The rotation of the motor has to be monitored carefully, so that the stroke does not exceed the desired length in either direction.
Comparing machine stats
In regards to power/torque/speed measurements and comparisons - it's really hard to compare a digital linear-actuator type machine like the FY500 (or other digital machines such as the Shockspot, Servok, or Tango-tw11) against the more common "crank and shaft" rotary machines (like those from FMachine, Orgasm Alley, HiSmith etc) as they work in very different ways.
It's why it's perhaps not super easy to find out details on the websites, as to go into enough detail to be accurate can be confusing, and of course retailers fo not want to provide inaccurate or misleading stats.
But, we feel that if you want to know the details, then it should at least be available. So here is some more techie detail about the FY500. If you find it confusing or have any follow up questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch - we're more than happy to discuss and do our best to help!
Stroke length:
The FY500 has a stroke length that can be adjusted from less than 1" up to 18". And this is completely adjustable on the fly while in use. That adjustability is what really sets it apart from traditional "rotary" machines. On the FuckYeah Smart controller you set the max and min stoke boundaries, and then the selected pattern (and/or remote operator) can move anywhere within that region at any time.
Power / Fucking force:
Second to stroke length, the next question you probably want to know for a fucking machine is what force that it can thrust with.
Rotary fuck machines find this hard to give stats on, as when you get the spanners out to change the stroke length, the linear force changes. And also the force changes based on the position of the crank arm - at the ends of the stroke you'll get the most force, but in the middle it will be reduced.
So because of this, rotary fuck machine stats often only provide motor torque or electrical power. As torque is only a measurement of the motor's rotational force, it's not really very useful on it's own. And electrical power, while a good indicator, again doesn't really help you either.
So, to get the actual thrusting force, you need the torque of the motor and the angular distance it operates over.
The motor we use in the FuckYeah FY500 is a 350W Nema 34 Hybrid Stepper/Servo motor which can deliver up to 12Nm torque. The transmission uses a low-backlash hardened steel rack and pinion, with a pitch radius of 14mm, which gives you a theoretical maximum thrust of 857N.
It's not so easy to relate to Newtons, so we could equate it in terms of the force needed to lift 87Kg (191lbs).
But.. this is a theoretical maximum, the "holding" force of the motor. When it's moving it has less torque. So we have made real world measurements of the machine in use, pushing against a strain gauge and measured over 57Kg. (125lbs). This is the figure we quote in our stats.
Speed is something that again is hard to compare. Probably the simplest way to measure it is strokes/minute. That's easy for rotary machines, as a stroke back and a stroke forth is equal to one motor rotation. So you can simply say that strokes/min = 2 x motor RPM.
But for linear actuator machines it's a lot more complex, as the stroke is based on how many times the motor changes direction and of course that is completely variable. You could have lots of short strokes in the same time it takes to make one big one. Acceleration is also a factor, as the motor has to slow down and reverse direction each time.
What we can say is that at max speed and max stroke length, the FY500 can move at over 36 inches/second. In reality though, it's unlikely anyone would use it at this max speed and max stroke length (assuming you're human!).
More realistically, you're going to be using it at a shorter stroke length. So here's a helpful chart and data to show you how the max stroke frequency varies as the machine is configured from a 0.5" stroke up to a 12" stroke. (A stroke being one movement from min to max extension. Just half it for a full cycle of in-and-out).

So, given the FY500 can push with so much force, and move at such speed, it'd be super dangerous, right? Well, for sure it's to be treated with serious respect and care. However, it does have a couple of key safety features that are important to be aware of.
Firstly, there is a motor power limiter. If this is triggered, the machine will stop and display an overload warning. If you are scared of hurting yourself you can adjust the cut-out threshold to reduce the available power.
Secondly, there is variable motor torque. As mentioned earlier, the max torque is 12Nm but as the motor speed increases, the torque is reduced. This is a characteristic of the digital hybrid motor - the faster it moves, the less torque it has. This is the opposite to the standard motors used in most fuck machines.
On the face of it you might think this is a bad thing, but actually that is exactly what you need for a fucking machine.
When you want the most control and force is at low speeds, just starting up. A slow relentless pushing feels so good!
When you turn the speed right up and the thing is going hell-for-leather, you actually need and want less force - just in case things go out of alignment with your hole or something.
With most rotary machines, assuming you have a decently sized toy mounted, you have to turn the speed up quite high to get it going, only for it to suddenly start fucking and jerking like a jackrabbit uncontrollably (and/or dangerously). So you have to turn the speed down a bit... and so on. It's a tricky balance of adjustment that can be quite fiddly.
With the digital motor on the FY500 and huge force at low speeds - you can turn the speed up gracefully and remain in complete control.
Control & Connectivity:
With rotary fucking machines, no matter how fancy their control interface is, it all boils down to one thing: motor speed. Everything else is fixed. At least while in use.
A digital motor requires a lot more complex control electronics than a standard rotary machine's motor, but we think it's worth the cost.
With linear actuator machines, you have endless possibilities to vary the stroke patterns, positions, textures and of course speed. And it can all be done in real time while in use, without having to stop the machine and make manual adjustments.
Our Smart Controller has dual OLED displays so you can easily see what the machine is doing at any given time and adjust settings etc.
And of course, its other key feature is that it's connected up to our cloud servers, which allow you to design and sync your own patterns and remote control your machine from our easy-to-use app on your phone/tablet/PC/Mac etc over WiFi.
For those who want to do more with their machine, we offer two AUX ports, which allow the machine to control other devices from the handset. They're basically switches, but being able to toggle them on and off as part of the stroke pattern opens up lots of possibilities. E.g. we aim to launch a lube-pump at some point. Consider a cum-tube toy that ejaculates at the end of the stroke. Or maybe you want to hook up some electro-sex gear, so that you get a good buzz in time with the movement. Or maybe lighting controls, vibrators, or rotation adapters... etc.
And of course, we will soon have an API that will allow remote configuration and control for those geeky types who want to dive into customisation!
We'll also be looking into ways to help content creators monetise their shows using the machine - e.g. an easy way to share time-based links to remote control the machine, or hook it up to streaming tip systems.
And there's plenty of other ideas for the future we plan to look into, like remote control based on phone accelerometer, movement in time to sound or video, hooking up to smart devices and more. Alexa, fuck me!
We've tried our best to make the best possible machine for big toy players. It's super powerful, as compact as we can make it for the huge stroke length, and full of smart features and future possibilities.
There are only two real downsides we're aware of: noise and cost.
We looked at various ways to make it quieter, but there were more cons than pros - there's only so much we can do on the noise regard. At lower speeds it's quite quiet, but at higher speeds we can't deny it is noisy. What we can say is that that point, you'll probably find that you're shouting and screaming louder than the machine anyway!
As for the cost - yes, it's a huge investment, we know. As much as we'd like to be able to make it more affordable and sell more of them, the specialist parts used, the bespoke manufacturing, and all these features and functionality make it complex and therefore expensive. It's taken us 3 years of development and testing to get to this point. But we wanted to make a machine that suited those at the top of their game. Not everybody can afford a Rolls-Royce, but if you save up, or win the lottery, it's nice to know that they do exist.
We set out on this journey because nothing on the market suited our needs - this is a machine born out of necessity. A machine designed and built by big-toy players for big toy players, and no other machine could do it.
Phew. If you read this far, congrats! I hope that helps give some of the background and details that may be useful. And of course, if you have any questions please do get in touch!